Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cube Puzzle Challenge

This is a project were working on to finish cycle 2. We had to come up with a cube that was 3 by 3 with 5 different combinations. At first we had to sketch as many combinations we could come up with for 3, 4, 5, and 6 on grid paper. Then out of those combinations we had to pick 5 and come up with a cube. After the cube was put together, we put together a box that the cube could be placed in. The box had to be creative and colorful for anyone looking to buy it. I dont have any pictures up of my cube and box yet, but I will soon.

Beverage Container

This was a project I worked on with my classmate Tamir Barnes. Our assignment was to come up with a beverage container that someone would want to buy. Unlike many of our classmates, Tamir and I came up with something simple. Everyone else had air conditioners, and blenders, and straws in their cups and we didnt. We had plastic in the middle, so the cup didnt stain, we made it look colorful, and a cup holder in case someone had a hot beverage. Our cup wasnt the best, but Im proud of what we accomplished on our own!

The Evolution of the Telephone

This was one of the projects that was due last cycle. I remember staying up all night trying to hand this project in, took me a long time to do it too. We had to come up with an invention that transformed over time, and I picked the telephone. I didnt get to take a picture of the power point we had to do along with this, but I got to take one of my creative poster board.

Isometric and Oblique Sketches

This is a picture of me working so diligently in my favorite teacher Ms.Hamrani's class. Our assignment was to do Isometric and Oblique Sketches, as you can see Im very good at it. I forgot to do the shading on the last object, but Im sure you get the point on how the shading goes.


Hi! My name is Sabriya Wesley and I will be using this blog as a portfolio for my Multimedia Design Class. I will be posting my projects and examples along with a brief description of what I did. Please check back to see my work!